Thursday, July 31, 2014


Costumava ser daquelas pessoas que escolhia o que ia vestir no exato momento em que se estava a preparar! Mesmo quando ia de férias, atirava este mundo e o outro para dentro da mala e depois logo se via.
A vida (e o blog) trocaram-me as voltas e agora os outfits são preparados no dia anterior e a mala de férias é composta por conjuntos previamente decididos (o que não quer dizer que a mala agora seja mais leve! Levo sempre conjuntos extra xD).
Isto tudo para vos explicar que o outfit deste post, não é nada do que estava planeado. Quando vesti o que tinha pensado, ficou horrível! Detestei! E para piorar as coisas, já não sobrava muita roupa lavada (estas fotografias são do último dia do Algarve). Lá misturei umas coisas com as outras e no final gostei muito mais do outfit improvisado do que do planeado :D ehehe


I used to be that kind of person who chooses what is going to wear on the exact moment that is getting dressed! Even when I went on vacation, I used to throw everything into the suitcase and on the moment I'd figure it out.
But then life (and the blog) made me turn everything around and nowadays my outfits are planned on the day before and my suitcases are filled with previously decided outfits (which doesn't mean that I travel any lighter. I always take some extra outfits xD).
All this to exaplain to you that this post's outfit wasn't the one I initially planned. When I put on the one I had thought about it looked horrible! I hated it! And to make it even worse, there wasn't much washed clothes left (these pictures were taken on the last day in Algarve). So I mixed this and that and in the end I actually liked the improvised outfit a lot more than the other one :D ehehe.


Kimono: Stradivarius
Top: Lefties
Calções/Shorts: Zara
Carteira/Bag: Stradivarius
Sapatos/Flatforms: Seaside
Anel/Ring: Parfois


Wednesday, July 30, 2014


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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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Monday, July 28, 2014


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